
Grew up really tiny, really skinny just like this; I have a reproductive disease (endometriosis) so it messes with my hormones. I can randomly gain weight and randomly get really tiny again. It's definitely affected how I'm approached, how I'm talked to. When I was heavier, women were a lot nicer; guys actually came at me way more sexually; when I'm skinny, they actually come at me with more respect, which isn't what I expected.⠀

I was a string bean growing up - other kids' parents used to ask me if my parents fed me. "Are you poor? Are you in poverty?" When I was chunkier, I didn't recognize myself - my face looked so much different. I felt fine in my clothes, I felt fine around people with different body types; it was really my face that I was uncomfortable with. ⠀

But when I lost the weight it made a lot of things easier, even stuff like going upstairs. But I really just didn't feel comfortable being seen when I was heavier, even though other women were actually nicer to me. When I lost the weight, it just felt like other women thought I was fake.