
I always had a hard time with being over-sexualized. So instead of running away from it, I leaned into it - to try to find my own path to heal some of those feelings about the male gaze and things like that. ⠀

I know a lot of it comes from my childhood - I was raped and molested as a child - and as I grew into adulthood and started exploring my own sexuality, there were some... blockages there; and that fed into my self-expression, too.⠀

I definitely went through some hyper-sexuality that made me feel like I was only valued for my body, and even in relationships I didn't feel worthy. I often felt like my partners just reduced me to a body. ⠀

But I've learned to appreciate and enjoy my body. And I've learned that I'm allowed to have boundaries so I can focus on my own growth, and I can still have room for relationships, too.