
I've always just been kind of a thick guy. I think was like third grade when I started putting weight on, and it just never came off.⠀

It's been a tough year - I had like a slow breakdown over like six months. I'm an extroverted person, and after 2020 I just got used to not going out or exercising or seeing people, so doing things like this is kind of in part a return to normal. I missed working out, feeling powerful. I don't care about having a six pack, I just want to lift a fridge after I bring the groceries home.⠀

I've always been a people pleaser. I'd try to make people laugh so they'd like me. But I've become more comfortable in my skin as I've grown into my mid 30s; I think you just become more comfortable with who you are and that changes how you see your body. I mean it's great that dad bods are like in style now or whatever, but for me it was just having a more authentic sense of self.⠀

I still need some of that external validation, but I'm getting better about finding it internally and even just about accepting that validation from others.