
Since I quit my job, I've gained ten pounds! It was a stressful job, and stress makes me have trouble eating. I was essentially starving. My husband really helped, he just kept feeding me - not in a bad way! [laughs] He knew that if I was going to be performing as a career I was going to need to eat a lot more. I couldn't train for six hours a day and not eat. ⠀

I like what that weight has done to my body, but then one day I was at the gym wearing an eight year old pair of workout shorts, and when I looked in the mirror I saw my thighs jiggling in a way they never had before - and I HATED it. My husband got to witness a full on breakdown at the gym. I was like, 'What have I done?'⠀

I've always been skinny, and I've always been self-conscious about it because people have always liked to tell me how skinny I am. So I gained the weight, I was strong and healthy, and... I hated it.⠀

Then I went to the pole studio, and I wore the old shorts, and all the people there were like 'Oh my god girl your butt looks amazing, you look so good!' That same body in the gym, knowing who surrounded me and why I was there - I didn't like it. But at the pole studio where everyone is so pumped about everyone else, that same body felt strong and beautiful and everything I needed it to.