I get these random questions all the time - are my lips real, is my butt real, it's weird. To think a complete stranger has the balls to ask you such a personal question... It's my body, it's real - just my t**s aren't.⠀

I was in a toxic marriage for 20 years. I got two bomb kids out of it, and lessened a lot, but... I would have never done something like this until after I met my wife. ⠀

It was a horrific 20 years. I'm the kind of person who likes to think they have their s*** together; there's nothing that anyone can say that's gonna make me any less of Staxx. But I'm not as healed as I thought I was. ⠀

I'll say things to my wife, stupid things, like I'll put on a dress and ask her if it looks okay, or "should I wear this?" And she always tells me I'm beautiful no matter what I wear. But my ex, he would make little comments - he wouldn't call me ugly or anything like that, but he'd say things like "you shouldn't wear that," or "why are you wearing so much makeup?" Just little things that cut me down.⠀

But now, I'm happy with who I am. I'm in a loving relationship. And that's translated into being happier with how I look.
